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Dix River Comments

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User: vinny60
Comment: "Spring bass relate to the shore," Riley says. He points out that when the bass are in their pre-spawn mode, April in most years, they are staging along the channel in areas that are near spawning grounds. Begin your search by locating the channel bends and twists that are near the bank. Then further isolate those areas where the bank provides current breaks and suitable areas for the spawn. Riley suggests looking for rocky areas or outcroppings. If there is sand or gravel in the substrate, that's all the better. Once you find a suitable area, the rock breaks can be depended upon to remain stationary, even during periods of high water or very swift current. According to Riley, buzzbaits have a well-deserved reputation as a hot lure in the early season on the Dix. Anglers would be well advised to carry several with them on their spring outings. The most productive buzzbaits are those that ride high in the water and are easily customized. Riley advises anglers to adjust their baits to generate more or less splash and to vary their retrieval speed until they find the magic combination. Color selection is basic: White, chartreuse and black will cover most situations. Tubes also account for a substantial number of early-season bass. Medium-sized baits in purple, green or pumpkin seem to work best. Many anglers dye the tips of the tentacles chartreuse for increased visibility. Texas rigging is, by far, the most popular. Later in the spring, toward early summer, deep-diving baits will bring arm-wrenching strikes. Lures that dive 6 to 8 feet deep on the retrieve are favored. Again, natural colors seem to work best. Riley further recommends that anglers do not depart the dock without a jig-and-pig tied on at least one rod. He emphasizes that jigs are effective all year, including spring. They can be pitched and flipped into the heavy shoreline cover to effectively work a short strike zone, should the fish be holding tight on cover.
Date: 09/09/09 11:33 AM

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